Elisa-Rose really loves puzzles. Since she was a baby she was different. When she was 4 years I thought she was Autistic, but after genetic testing, we found out that she is missing the DLG4 gene entirely. She has Autism, Epilepsy, intellectual disability, 59 IQ tested and is allergic to milk
Life with Elisa-Rose is very busy, she has multiple meetings with Dr’s and specialists. She goes to school twice a week and does a good job with sociability, but learning for her is difficult. We are waiting for a place in the IME French school for different kids. She can run, jump and fall, she has a good memory and loves to sing. She’s a brilliant sunny girl who loves playing by herself and her little Brother Aaron. She’s very protective and calm of her brother. The most important thing for her are PUZZLES, she can easily do 200 little piece puzzle in a few hours. She has multiples fears. During her anxiety attacks she can yell really hard, stops breathing and it’s hard to calm her down. Her principal fears are vacuums, motors noises, some toys if they moving for example remote controlled cars. She can instantly puke if she touches a thing she doesn’t like of example a bench in the Park or green paint. It is not easy going to the store with her.
Elisa-Rose has a very good sense of humor, she loves making silly jokes, she has a great laugh and when she smiles it can touch your soul.